Wonderful Ways to use Aloe Vera on Hair for Rapid Growth

Aloe Vera is the most common ingredient popular used on the face for its skin benefits. Do you know Aloe Vera has the potency to work miraculously on your hair too? Well, according to the experts, Aloe Vera when infusion with any hair care product, robustly works on the scalp to encourage quick hair growth.… Continue reading Wonderful Ways to use Aloe Vera on Hair for Rapid Growth

Winter Tips to Go Dandruff Free

Our unruly hair abruptly changes with the weather. Especially during winter, hair takes us around so many issues such as dull hair, greasy scalp, hair fall, and the most common – dandruff. The irritated and dry scalp often makes the condition worse. Dandruff not only affects your hair but, also knocks over your confidence when… Continue reading Winter Tips to Go Dandruff Free