Your Ultimate All-Season Hair Care Kit

Hair Care Kit

They say, ‘all we need is love and great hair’. I can’t be agreeing more with this as with growing age, I’ve realized the importance of healthy and incredible hair. The weather has a gruesome impact on our hair. With a slight change in weather, our hair becomes brittle and dull, dry, and frizzy. Switching from one hair care product to another throughout the season and playing a trial-and-error game can negatively impact the quality of hair. Here’s an article curated for you that covers One Hair Care Range throughout the season to keep your hair healthy and shining.

Intense hydration is the key to flaunting healthy, strong, and long hair. Before you hydrate your hair, ensure to safeguard it from harmful pollutants and elements to reduce damage possibilities. Our wonderful and pocket-friendly all-season hair care kit offers all the good things your hair needs to restore the damage, gloss, and bouncy effect.

Nourish & Cleanse with Onion Shampoo

Healthy hair can be achieved when the two elements come in sync – a clean scalp and clean shampoo. Picking up the right cleanser for your scalp plays a pivotal role as it attracts too much dirt, pollutants, and grime throughout the day. The presence of these unwanted elements can make the scalp environment unhealthy, unhygienic, and weak. This can further trigger hair issues such as hair fall, dandruff, infection on the scalp, or breakage. Our premium-ranged Follikesh onion hair shampoo embraces the goodness of natural ingredients which ensures to promote a healthy scalp in a single wash. The clean, herbal, and natural ingredients work together on your scalp to strengthen roots, fight dandruff, combat hair fall and soften hair without compromising on your hair regrowth.

Intensely Repair with Onion Hair Oil

Constant breezy wind, friction, and styling products to your hair can aggravate brittle and damaged hair that can impact throughout the season. Adding nutrient-rich Follikesh onion hair oil to a regular hair care routine can superiorly nourish your hair and scalp instantly while reversing the damage gradually. The more you’d apply this herbal formula to your scalp, the less they get prone to damage. Start religiously applying this hair oil to enhance the quality of your scalp and hair strands.

Protect without Negotiating

If you are a vivid stylo-manic, you need to watch out for your hair care routine. Those sensitive hair strands have to run down through too many heating tools, styling pins, and accessories regularly which doesn’t go well with your crown of glory. Soon they may start giving you red flags with the onset of hair issues. Hence, we recommend protecting your hair with an effective heat-resistant hair serum from Follikesh. The cutting-edge naturally formulated hair serum has a lot to offer while offering that chicky look!

Say Yes to Hair Support Nutrients

Your already damaged hair needs more than your normal hair care routine. You can successfully boost the strength of your hair while regaining volume with Follikesh Hair Growth Tablets. Enriched with all-natural and hair-benefiting nutrients such as sulphur, biotin, sunflower seeds, and L-Lysine, this hair growth supplement stimulates keratin production in the hair. Consuming this hair growth tablet regularly can deliver some massively noticeable differences in the health of your crown of glory.

**Follikesh Supplements are meant to be taken under expert supervision only. Those who are pregnant or lactating mothers should avoid taking these tablets.