7 Onion Hair Oil Benefits You Should Never Forget

onion hair oil

Do you know the real fact about onions? It can benefit your hair and scalp up to a lot of extent. This could be your next go-to ingredient to keep your hair strong, and thick. The sulphur content in the onion is the real game changer element that acts as keratin (a protein to build hair). And this is why many hair care experts swear on onion based hair care products to gain a lustrous and voluminous mane.


Here are some of the benefits of onion based hair oil that you shouldn’t forget ever!


  1. Onion hair oil for hair fall control


Pollution and stress can trigger unavoidable reasons that can lead to hair fall. Incorporating onion hair oil or shampoo can deeply nourish the weaker hair strands and scalp to offer strength and shine like never before.


  1. Onion hair oil for hair growth


We all want our hair to grow, but lack of time and unfit hair care products only lets you postpone the champi plans. Throughout the day, you are left with greasy and flat tresses that only aggravate the hair concern further. Onion extracts are excellent to stimulate hair growth as it reinforces strength to the damaged hair while repairing hair follicles.


  1. Onion Oil for hair regrowth


If hair thinning is your ideal concern you must be looking for something that could stimulate your hair growth. Onion hair oil excellently boosts the growth of the hair while hydrating and smoothening frizzy hair.


  1. Onion hair oil for dandruff


It is good to soothe and nourish hair with the best hair care ingredient – onion! The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of onion work superiorly on the scalp to offer a healthy and dandruff-free environment.


  1. Onion hair oil for premature greying


If you are looking for something reconstructive for your prematurely grey hair, here’s a thing! Incorporating onion oil offers a blend of magic to your hair strands, maintains pH balance, and prevents premature greying in the future. What else? The antibacterial properties of onion ensure to keep your scalp healthy and out of order for infection.


  1. Onion oil for hair breakage


If hair breakage and split ends are some of the most common concerns you’ve been facing, you need to buy onion oil to see a noticeable difference. Power-packed with several vital nutrients for nourishing, this oil helps stimulate the hair follicles and repair most of the damage to your hair.


  1. Onion oil for hair dullness


Well, onion hair oil can put an end to the toxic love story of frizzy tresses. Soft and conditioned hair needs nourishment, of course, and by using onion for your hair, you can give it all it needs to flourish and glow. Moreover, the lesser chemicals in your hair care product, the lesser the damage!


Best onion hair oil to consider


For all your hair concerns, you can totally rely on Follikesh Onion Hair Oil for the ideal nutrient quotient. Formulated with multiple blends of natural and herbal ingredients, this premium ranged hair care product is strong enough to nourish your scalp, restore hair thinning, revive bald spots, prevent premature greying, and add shine to your beautiful tresses.

And the bonus is, it can prevent hair breakage, and split ends and encourage healthy hair growth when used religiously in the right way. Rejuvenate your crown of glory by using Follikesh onion hair oil for the best hair care experience without much fuss!