Hair Care Tips for Maximizing the Effects of Onion Hair Oil

Onions are highly popular in our daily lives, as they are commonly found in the kitchen. Apart from adding a wonderful flavor to your food, onions have a surprising effect on our hair growth as well. Talking about the hair growth process is not something that can be achieved overnight, it takes a lot of… Continue reading Hair Care Tips for Maximizing the Effects of Onion Hair Oil

7 Ways to Avoid Dry Hair This Winter

Again, it’s that time of the year when the temperature is slowly dipping. This constantly changing weather on only takes a toll on the body but the healthy mane as well. As much as we all would want to enjoy this season, to be honest—our skin and hair issues don’t allow. One of the most… Continue reading 7 Ways to Avoid Dry Hair This Winter

How to pick the right Oil for your Low Porosity Hair

Low porosity hair has recently emerged as a serious problem mostly existing in women of all ages. Reportedly, millions of girls are suffering from this issue, and with this comes the biggest challenge with their hair being unable to absorb moisture or any hair care product easily. To test your porosity level on yourself, simply… Continue reading How to pick the right Oil for your Low Porosity Hair

7 Onion Hair Oil Benefits You Should Never Forget

Do you know the real fact about onions? It can benefit your hair and scalp up to a lot of extent. This could be your next go-to ingredient to keep your hair strong, and thick. The sulphur content in the onion is the real game changer element that acts as keratin (a protein to build… Continue reading 7 Onion Hair Oil Benefits You Should Never Forget

Best Onion Oil for Hair Growth

We all are aware of onion and its indispensable use in the kitchen! But have you recently come across the other potential impact of onions in the hair care routine? Well, it’s therapeutic. Onion juice has a potential impact on hair in multiple hair woes, including hair fall, flakes, dandruff, dryness, fizziness, premature greying, and… Continue reading Best Onion Oil for Hair Growth

The benefits of using onion hair oil for postpartum hair loss

During the period of nine months of pregnancy, a woman goes through too many things inside and outside. With all the emotions, even the luscious hair locks go for a toss. Slowly, the joy of holding the baby in your arms would take over the alarming loss of your hair during pregnancy. And in many… Continue reading The benefits of using onion hair oil for postpartum hair loss