Hair Care Tips for Maximizing the Effects of Onion Hair Oil

Onions are highly popular in our daily lives, as they are commonly found in the kitchen. Apart from adding a wonderful flavor to your food, onions have a surprising effect on our hair growth as well. Talking about the hair growth process is not something that can be achieved overnight, it takes a lot of… Continue reading Hair Care Tips for Maximizing the Effects of Onion Hair Oil

The Science behind Onion Oil: Exploring its Hair-Boosting Properties

If you’ve been struggling with hair fall and dandruff for a while now, then look no further when you have got onion in your kitchen. Rising hair concerns has been affecting almost everyone, without being gender biased. Maintaining a healthy mane takes a lot of perseverance and effort. But with this kitchen ruling ingredient, you… Continue reading The Science behind Onion Oil: Exploring its Hair-Boosting Properties