Hair Care Tips for Maximizing the Effects of Onion Hair Oil

Onions are highly popular in our daily lives, as they are commonly found in the kitchen. Apart from adding a wonderful flavor to your food, onions have a surprising effect on our hair growth as well. Talking about the hair growth process is not something that can be achieved overnight, it takes a lot of… Continue reading Hair Care Tips for Maximizing the Effects of Onion Hair Oil

The Science behind Onion Oil: Exploring its Hair-Boosting Properties

If you’ve been struggling with hair fall and dandruff for a while now, then look no further when you have got onion in your kitchen. Rising hair concerns has been affecting almost everyone, without being gender biased. Maintaining a healthy mane takes a lot of perseverance and effort. But with this kitchen ruling ingredient, you… Continue reading The Science behind Onion Oil: Exploring its Hair-Boosting Properties

7 Onion Hair Oil Benefits You Should Never Forget

Do you know the real fact about onions? It can benefit your hair and scalp up to a lot of extent. This could be your next go-to ingredient to keep your hair strong, and thick. The sulphur content in the onion is the real game changer element that acts as keratin (a protein to build… Continue reading 7 Onion Hair Oil Benefits You Should Never Forget

Red Onion Oil And Its Uses For Hair

Although you are pampering your hair with regular oil and shampoo using the best products available, unusual hair fall can be a sign that something is not right. With so many ingredients showing potency, onion has been at the top of the list. The most commonly used vegetable in the kitchen, onion has been widely… Continue reading Red Onion Oil And Its Uses For Hair